This comic-book style e-book focuses on the decision-making process that our canine characters have to go through when confronted with drugs and alcohol in their lives.
Responsibility ultimately relies on each individual person for the choices they make. Drug Facts for Young People addresses the situations which youngsters may encounter in their everyday lives and tries to give them tools to help make good choices for themselves and one another. Topics covered include peer pressure, being a friend, decision making, setting goals and making positive choices.
This app is divided into 6 categories:
Choosing Role Models
You Develop Independence
Dealing With Parents
Why Do Some People Take Drugs?
Deciding Your Future
Drug Facts
• Swipe to turn pages or jump to a new category from the side bar menu
• Search function will point out all pages containing your query
Extremely user-friendly, educational, entertaining and appropriate for any child old enough to spend unsupervised time away from their parents.